13 Dec 2011

Dear Snowman

The first time you never forget! This morning I saw the snow, just a beginning of snow, but for me was wonderful!

Thinking about that first experience, I created this design.


Nail polish colours: dark blue, blue, white, black, orange. I used a nail dotter pen, a small brush, some white glitter, small silver balls, small blue balls, and a sponge.

Paint the nails with the dark blue. To create the ombre effect I used the sponge technique, see here how to make.

For the snowflakes use the small brush and the white nail polish. I decided make them very simple.

On the ring nails, make two big dots with the white nail polish and the dotter pen, for the snowman. With the brush and the black colour create the eyes, mouth and buttons. With the orange colour make the famous carrot nose.

Add glitter on the tip of each nail, I use the sponge and the top coat to pad where exactly I want. On the snowman, make the scarf and hat with small blue balls. On the middle of each snowflake put the small silver ball. Don´t forget a good top coat to protect the design!

I hope you enjoy this design. I am still here waiting for more snow to make my real snowman!

Give it a try!


  1. Oi Cibele, eu vi na net que os esmaltes ai na Irlanda são mais caros que aqui no Brasil e nem sempre tem cores legais. Isto é verdade? Estava pensando em levar uns aqui do Brasil.
    Lindas suas unhas... vou tentar fazer seus tutoriais... eu adoro pintar minhas unhas!

  2. Oi Lais!!! Realmente, os esmaltes aqui são caros se comparados ao Brasil, mas a variedade de cores é bem grande, se vc tiver um espacinho na mala e puder trazer alguns é uma boa idéia.
    Obrigada por comentar!
